
If you are experiencing anxiety, be mindful of any depressive thoughts or feelings as it is very common for depression to accompany anxiety and vice versa. Although there are many similarities in how anxiety manifests, it is a unique experience to each person. Thus, our goal is to help you understand what anxiety means to you. So we’re dedicated to creating a safe space for you to explore your anxiety and help alleviate some of its symptoms.


We want to support you in getting through this. There are numerous reasons and combinations of factors that contribute to the onset of depression, such as genetics, trauma, environmental factors, and more. Even in more severe cases, depression can be managed and treated, and we don’t want you doing so alone.


There are many definitions of trauma but the most common theme is that trauma is any event which overwhelms a person’s ability to cope with it. Trauma affects your mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health and can make it difficult to live your life as you did before the trauma came into your life. Trauma can come as either a one-time event or as a prolonged series of events.


Individuals in the LGBTQ community share many common issues, sometimes unrelated to their sexuality and identity. Oftentimes, one might come to therapy with relationship issues, identity issues, self-esteem concerns, and more. Despite the reasons someone might come to therapy, it is important to know that the therapist will be supportive, compassionate, and accepting.

Mindfulness + Meditation

You most likely know how to be mindful, you simply have to remember how to live mindfully. We can live mindfully through various forms of meditation. Whether it’s while riding the subway, sitting on a comfortable chair, or walking down the street, we can all find our own mindful moments through brief pauses. Through mindfulness meditation practice we learn to compassionately understand our inner voice, without judgement, but with warmth and curiosity.

Race + Culture

With the help of our therapists, you can begin to heal in a safe and therapeutic environment. We can also help you learn how to develop the tools and skills to combat the negative effects of race-based trauma.


(630) 935-4196